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Oil rig in a calm sea during sunset in a slightly cloudy sky, with the sun reflecting off the ocean

Oil Spill Bio-remediation with Enzymes

Hydrocarbon spill  Bioremediation with Enzymes

Did you know; Our crude spill never stops working until every drop of oil has been completely broken down. (Download our data sheets/PDF's below for more information)

a bird covered in oil sitting on an oil soaked beach

Custom Enzymes - Crude Spill is a specially developed organic enzyme that attaches itself to the substrate hydrocarbon, within the first few minutes of contacting the adhesive properties of the hydrocarbon reduce, to the point they do not become attached to aquatic life. The Enzyme continues to digest the hydrocarbon and in the process creates nutrients for marine life. The main by-product from the digestion process is Carbon Dioxide gas.


Now imagine that you could mix the enzymes with water then deploy from aircraft, or surface vessels, specialised drones and regular human power to spray the solution onto the oil spill immediately. CUSTOM E - Crude spill attaches to the hydrocarbons and keeps working until nothing is left, the foul odour dissipates within a few hours and over 70% of the hydrocarbon substrate digested within five days.

Traditionally, where does the waste go, landfill, long-term storage? Incineration? The risk of contamination still exists, so a possibility of another incident. Our Bio-enzymes digest it. No need for the storage of drums. No call for disposal of absorbent pads. No more dangerous waste.


Custom Enzymes Crude spill is not only for offshore it can be used in the event oil hydrocarbon spills onshore in refineries, pipelines, or vehicles. Even if the land has been subjected to systemic abuse for years it is still possible to help treat the land and existing groundwater and aquifers to prevent further contamination. 


We have developed stronger enzymes for use with bitumen and more persistent hydrocarbon molecules. Custom enzymes have worked exhaustively with strategic partners to investigate effective deployment methods that we continue to explore and grow. So if you have any questions just get in touch with us, we are more than happy to help. 



4 test tubes showing oil remediatioon progress

CLICK HERE to open the pdf of the full test

Blend of Enzymes and Microbial Culture

For degrading Crude Oil in Spills breaking down hydrocarbons to CO2 and amino acids


aerial view of a large oil spill from an oil tanker
bottles and jugs oil oil on a table with a wooden background

Break down PAC or Cellulose based Filter Cakes


Break Down Guar based Filter Cakes

a puddle of oil contaminated water
heavy hydrocarbons in a hole in the ground
High Temperature Alpha Amylase

Break down Starch – Xanthan Filter Cakes











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Adelaide, South Australia, 5000

ACN 627321064

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All Prices are in USD per KG and are subject to change. Prices do not include freight, duty, clearance or distributor costs. 

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