Enzymes Based Formulations for Cannabis & Hemp
Enzymes-Based Formulations for Cannabis & Hemp
Did you know; Contained in the stalk fibers are valuable sugars that can be processed into ethanol or graphene. (Download our data sheets/PDF's below for more information)
Custom Enzymes Labs' array of enzyme formulations has been specially designed to meet the demands placed on cannabis farmers from eradicating pests, disease, creating healthy soil and roots whilst turning green waste into valuable sugars and organic fertilizer.
Enzymes are vital activators in the soil and are known to play a substantial role in maintaining soil health and its environment. A unique balance of chemical, physical, and biological (including microbial especially enzyme activities) components contribute to maintaining soil health. Healthy soils are essential for the integrity of terrestrial ecosystems to remain intact or to recover from disturbances, such as drought, climate change, pest infestation, pollution, and human exploitation.
Transboundary plant pests and diseases affect crops, causing significant loss to farmers and threatening production. The spread of transboundary plant pests and diseases has increased dramatically in recent years. Globalization, trade, and climate change, as well as reduced resilience in production systems due to decades of agricultural intensification, have all played a part.
Transboundary plant pests and diseases can easily spread to several countries and reach epidemic proportions. Upsurges can cause huge losses to crop and pastures, threatening the livelihoods of vulnerable farmers and the food and nutrition security of millions at a time.
Pathogens can exist in the soil for long periods without causing an outbreak of disease in plants. Disease outbreaks are either caused by an increase in the population of the pathogen or by an increase in the susceptibility of the plant. The population of the pathogen is dependent on whether the soil conditions are favourable for its growth and survival. One of the main reason's growers face root disease and soil health problems is that the amount of organic matter in their soil has declined to unacceptable levels.
The cannabis plant contains lower levels of Lignin comparable to other materials, allowing for the enzymes to breakdown the cellulose and in turn extract valuable sugars that otherwise would be left in the stalks. Other options include turning leftover waste into organic fertilizer which can be utilized back into the pasture or sold for profit.
Custom E - PEST
CUSTOM E - PEST is a combination of custom enzymes for use in preventing larvae infestation.
Custom E - BioControl: Plant and Root Protection
Prevent further loss and protect soil and roots from infection.
Plant Growth Development
Enzymes based Formulation for better Plant Growth Development and fertile soil.
Cellulase Complex Enzymes
Specialized cellulase complex enzymes formulation for producing fermentable sugars from hemp stalk waste.
Specialized Enzymes based Formulation for turning Organic Waste into Nutrient-Rich Compost.